
CEN Projects

CEN Projects

waterw8.jpgCEN is involved in a number of different projects aimed at improving the environment of the Central Coast.

Click on one of the project names in the menu to learn more about work that CEN is doing.

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The Community Environment Network (CEN) is proud to offer the services of a professional Bush Regeneration Team. CEN has been conducting professional Bush Regeneration Services since 2009.

CEN’s Bush Regeneration team has extensive experience in rehabilitating ecosystems including wet and dry sclerophyll forests, rainforest, wetlands, coastal dunes and heathlands. Many of ecosystems that CEN maintains are listed endangered ecological communities including River-flat Eucalypt Forest, Swamp Sclerophyll Forest, Freshwater Wetlands, Littoral Rainforests and Themeda grasslands on seacliffs and coastal headlands.

The CEN Bush Regeneration supervisor and our team members are all fully qualified in Conservation and Land Management, with a minimum of 12 months field experience. All team members carry a White Card and have first aid training. The Team has a reliable, fully equipped vehicle for work in the Central Coast, Lake Macquarie and Cessnock local government areas (LGA’s).

We currently offer a range of discounts to landholders who are involved in property registration programs such as Land for Wildlife in the Central Coast, Lake Macquarie and Cessnock LGA’s.

CEN’s services includes:Bush Regeneration

  • Providing a professional qualified Bush Regeneration team
  • Weed eradication by following correct bush regeneration techniques
  • Noxious weed identification and control
  • Site evaluations and recommendation
  • Erosion and sediment control
  • Threatened species identification
  • Seed collection and propagation at CEN’s Wildplant Community Nursery
  • Local provenance plant installation and maintenance
  • Supervising volunteers
  • Training landholders in weed control techniques and plant identification

All work is assessed and planned prior to commencement and Rehabilitation Plans are provided. Management Plans for ongoing maintenance are also available for sites.

Enquiries: For any enquiries about works or job availabilities please phone CEN’s Bush Regeneration Coordinator on 4349 4754

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Any landholder can join Habitat for Wildlife, urban, rural, farm or lifestyle block. Show you care about our wildlife by joining and providing some wildlife habitat on your land.

Urban areas can be very important habitats and by connecting isolated pockets of habitat wildlife corridors are formed. These are vital connections for many species of birds and animals, enabling them to move from one area to another.

Become a part in restoring our urban landscapes - both the beauty and health of our environment. Make our landscapes a habitat not only for humans but also the wildlife that we want to connect with.

The project offers urban landholders information and support to conserve and improve habitats for wildlife. We aim to bring neighbours together in protecting their own backyards, local reserves and parks. There are no meetings to attend. Whether you own or rent a house, unit or flat you can do something for our native birds and wildlife: simply providing some water for them to planting your whole area with suitable native plants. Put up your sign and tell your friends and neighbours.

For more information:

Ph: 02 4349 4756
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Post:  Habitat for Wildlife PO Box 149 Ourimbah 2258

hfw kit

Benefits of the program:

  • Information about wildlife friendly gardens
  • Membership Certificate
  • Natural Connections folder packed with information about improving your garden for native wildlife and birds
  • Information on the Great Eastern Ranges Initative and how you can help
  • A sign to put on your gate or fence to tell your friends and neighbours that you are a Habitat for Wildlife member. They might like to join too.

Anywhere in NSW you can REGISTER ONLINE

Or if you are in the Central Coast LGA you can download a docHabitat for Wildlife Membership Form (Word) or pdfHabitat for Wildlife Membership Form (PDF) and send it to us via fax or email.

Habitat for Wildlife

  • Register On Line - Show your support, receive a sign and kit. Available to rural and residential property owners with any size property.- click here
  • Habitat for Wildlife in Gosford, Wyong, Lake Macquarie - click here

Stepping Stones Corridor - The Entrance to Bateau Bay

white faced heron copy

The Stepping Stones Corridor Project is a partnership project providing a wildlife corridor across public lands in Wyong Shire. The partners include; Community Environment Network (CEN), Bateau Bay Bushcare , Wyong Council , Hunter Central Rivers CMA with support from the NSW Environmental Trust .


Help monitor water quality on the Central Coastabout 3

Waterwatch is a national program involving school and community groups in monitoring water quality of their local waterways.

Waterwatch involves people in the community helping to improve the health of our waterways. There are many ways you can get involved. Dive in to see how you can do your bit individually, or as a group, for healthy waterways and a better environment.

For more information please contact Central Coast Waterwatch on Tel: 02 4349 4757 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


These are some of the projects completed by CEN

Search the Wetlands Database Wetlands are beautiful natural areas which are covered with water for some period of time. They are vitally important habitats for the health of our environment and support a wide variety of native plant and animal species.

wetlands.jpgWetland Education Project

CEN's Wetland Education Project seeks to raise public awareness of wetland habitats and increase community participation in wetland protection. The project focuses on wetlands on the Central Coast and in Lake Macquarie, and involves a targeted education program for three priority wetland sites.

This wetland website has been developed as part of the Wetland Education Project and can be accessed to find information on a particular wetland such as its size, ecological value, whether it contains endangered plants or animals, what threatens the wetland, its location, and how individuals can become involved in wetland care.

To find out more about a wetland near you, use the Wetlands Search Tool .


Send us your Wetland Photo's
If you have a photograph taken in a wetland which is listed on CEN’s website and you would like to have it included on the website, please email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. along with information such as the wetland name, when the photo was taken, who took it and a brief description of where it was taken from.(Please note that we can only accept .jpg files)

If you have new and/or additional information about a wetland you know,
download the updating_wetland_info_form.pdf, fill in all the details
and then either fax or mail the form to:

Community Environment Network
PO Box 149 OURIMBAH NSW 2258
Fax: 4349 4755

A small population of Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius, has etched out a living around the Brisbane Water, on the Central Coast of NSW, for decades. There remain possibly only 15 to 20 individuals living around the foreshore in the grassy layer beneath the trees, and even on the streets. It is hoped that with direct action, monitoring and partnerships with passionate stakeholders, that we can help this small population remain viable into the long term.

The Friends of the Bush Stone-curlew, is a passionate group of volunteers who have been actively monitoring the BSc populaton for over ten years.

What do we love about this bird?

It's quirky, in fact fascinating to watch, particularly at breeding season when it's courtship dance would stop any passerby in its tracks. Its haunting night-time call is perhaps a reminder that all is well in nature. All who connect with these birds find them charismatic, amusing and, well, life just wouldn't be the same without them! Not just all this but that these birds are a natural part of the Brisbane Water ecosystem means they have an intrinsic value just being thereBSC CROPPED.

Volunteers are invited to participate in bi-annual surveys around the Brisbane Water to help the group estimate the number of individual birds in the population.

To learn about the Bush Stone-curlew Recovery Plan download Recovery Plan 

keg drawPromoting sustainable living on the Central Coast.

The Eco Garden is a learning place to demonstrate organic and water wise gardening, creating habitat for local flora and fauna; utilising composting, worm-farming, energy and water conservation techniques.

The garden is in an on-going state of development. The garden is located next to Kariong Progress Hall in Dandaloo St, Kariong. Our thanks to Gosford City Council for their support and permission to use this site.

The Kariong Eco Garden is hosted by the Community Environment Network.

Find us on FacebookFind us on Facebook or at  www.kariongecogarden.org.au

Where is this Eco Garden?

Dandaloo Street, Kariong (corner Woy Woy Road), adjacent to the rear tennis court.

Wildwatch is about connecting kids with nature by exploring our environment and monitoring our flora and fauna. The program provides knowledge and understanding of local flora and fauna and encourages respect and caring for our local environment.

Wildwatch is an opportunity for children and families to engage in a program that promotes a love of nature and provides opportunities to observe nature and grow in knowledge, skills and understanding. We run events such as bird watching, frog spotting and waterbug surveys to connect families and communities with the diverse environments on the Central Coast. CEN collaborates with experts from university, council, primary industries, ecologists and wildlife carers so families can experience these different habitats and learn about them at the same time.

habitat vertical colourThe Habitat for Wildlife Program has been running at the Community Environment Network since 2007. Habitat for Wildlife is a program which encourages urban landholders to create and maintain habitat for urban wildlife in their gardens. Community participants engaged through Wildwatch are supported as members of HFW by volunteers within CEN and will be invited to future workshops and events run by other CEN projects.

The Wildwatch program is FREE TO JOIN and includes:

  • A certificate for each child that joins Wildwatch
  • Stickers and Wildwatch wildlife card
  • A regular kid friendly newsletter
  • Invitations and support to participate in Wildwatch events throughout the year (4-6 events).

For more information Download a Registration Form, or EMAIL US

Bateau Bay Swift Parrot Habitat Restoration  Project

swift parrot

Swift Parrots have been recorded feeding in Swamp Mahogany Eucalyptus robusta in the area surrounding Bateau Bay for over 40 years. Swamp Mahogany is a known habitat for Swiftys and other threatened species who are dependent on this winter food source. Swamp Mahogany are found in small patches on the Central Coast including along Salt Water Creek at Bateau Bay. 

This project aims to restore a wildlife corridor of the Stepping Stones Landcare site, located on the eastern edge of the EDSACC recreational facility over a three year period. The plan is to restore Swift Parrot Lathamus discolour habitat by reducing weeds and revegetating areas with over 2000 plants.

Contact details

CALL 02 4349 4756

PO Box 149 Ourimbah NSW 2258

FM Building, Central Coast Campus,
University of Newcastle,
Loop Road, Ourimbah,
NSW, 2258

